Description by artist, Edmund Palao:
Image Title: “Columnated Ruins Domino”, by Edmund
Media: Acrylic, gold paint and PVA glue on canvas (48”
x 34”)
Painted: 1998
The painting is based in part on the song "Surf’s Up”.
Also it draws from Christian and classical themes. The
image shows a cityscape with buildings stacked like
dominoes, representing the decadence and decay of a
modern society. The gold painted background represents
humankind’s achievements, but also it’s materialism
and false values. The river, coming out of the
darkness, proclaims hope and a renewal of life. The
swan adds a sense of poignancy. In Greek mythology
Phaethon, friend of Cygnus, fell into the river
Eridanus whilst riding the sun-god’s chariot. Cygnus
dived repeatedly in vain into the water searching for
his friend. Zeus took pity on him and turned him into
a swan.
It is PARTLY based on the song "Surf’s Up". You can
see a cityscape with buildings stacked liked dominoes,
ready to tumble. The river flows upwards like a spring
of new life, sweeping everything away. The swan
represents a feeling of poignancy (i.e. "a muted
trumpeter’s swan", my favourite line from "Surf’s
One thing I love about SMILE is all the imagery that
it conjurs up. Great subject matter for painting.
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