“It’ll never come out…the tapes were destroyed…they’re destroyed.”
– Brian Wilson (A&E BIO BRIAN WILSON- aired 6-20-99) |
Question: “There's a mystique about the Smile album among fans. Do you think the album should come out or stay on the shelf?”
“It's not finished. It shouldn't come out. It's just all these fragments. “Cool Water”, “Surf's Up”, “Cabinessence” - there just all over the place. But then there are titles, I remember the titles like “Barnyard”. I liked “Barnyard”. I thought that was neat. I have an acetate of that.” - Al Jardine (Goldmine July 28, 2000-“A Beach Boy Still Riding The Waves”) |
Asked, ‘Will we ever get to hear the album "Smile"?’
“ No, not until next year maybe. Maybe the spring. “ – Brian Wilson (Yahoo! Chat Tuesday, July 11, 2000) |
Asked, ‘Was that comment about Smile next spring just teasing us?‘
“ yeah. It was.” – Brian Wilson (Yahoo! Chat Tuesday, July 11, 2000) |
When asked if we’ll ever see a Smile Sessions Box set?
“I don't think Brian wants to ever complete that album for some reason, I doubt it.” – Carol Kaye (EAR CANDY interview March 1999) |
“…as I have posted recently, I have a Master Plan for Smile. In this plan I made no mention of a CD. Everyone has just kind of jumped to that conclusion. I can not say anything else on the subject. I promise you, when it happens it will be a worth while project. In many interviews I have said that we junked the tapes. Of course, that is not true. It's an easy way for me to not have to revisit the Smile topic in every single interview I do. The tapes are in a safe place, so rest assured when the time is right, I will do right by Smile. L&M Brian” - Brian Wilson (Posted by Brian on his official message board August 10, 2000) |
When asked about the ‘Master Plan’:
“That's not until a couple of years from now.” – Brian Wilson (EAR CANDY interview 7-11-2000) |
“Just wanted you to be the first one to know that I'm thinking of releasing a real CD of boots. What do you think of that idea? That way I would get paid and give the money to charity and you would hear the tunes the way I intended them to sound…cool huh? That way everyone wins. L&M Brian” - Brian Wilson (Posted by Brian on his official message board December 18, 2001) |
Asked, ‘Is your "master plan" for SMiLE still in the works?’
“Still in the works!!!” - Brian Wilson (Posted by Brian on his official message board December 18, 2001) |